27th February 2023
A TEFL certificate opens up all the doors for ESL teaching jobs and it is an investment for a lifetime career in the education field. But if you do not like the idea of walking into a classroom and attending to the blank faces staring at you, then believe it or not, it is not the only way to use that certificate. ...
Written By : Sanjana
15th February 2023
In a language classroom, skills are categorized into two forms. Namely productive skills which comprise speaking and writing and receptive skills which include listening and reading. If you are undergoing an undergraduate ESL certification program then you would know that the development of skills requires deliberate, systematic, and planned efforts. Take a look at some ways to ease your pain. ...
Written By : Sanjana
6th February 2023
For ESL teachers looking to enhance their resumes and boost their professional development goals, the available options may seem overwhelming. It's important for aspiring ESL teachers to recognize that there are many different paths they can pursue, from completing a 120 Hrs. International TEFL Certification Course. By doing so they can increase their knowledge and expertise which can make them more attractive to potential employers. ...
Written By : Abhishek
27th January 2023
Online teaching offers great flexibility and this is one of the best things teachers like. It gives you the freedom to work anywhere in the world and opens up the door to extra income both for new and experienced teachers. But when it comes to how you can teach online, there are several ways to go about it. If you are keen on using your dynamic ESL teaching techniques take a closer look at the teaching options and decide for yourself. ...
Written By : Sanjana
5th January 2023
Children should learn a second language just as they acquire their mother tongue. Hence the ESL teaching technique teachers use needs to be built around the coordination of action and speech. Thus, adapting the TPR technique will enable instructors to teach language through physical activity. ...
Written By : Sanjana
26th December 2022
Nepotism is a common issue in businesses, offices, the sports sector, etc. People applying for jobs here expect fairness but hardly receive any. But does this exist in schools too? Do teachers and students have to be exposed to this unfair treatment while higher authorities mistreat their trust? Well, let’s see what is nepotism in educational sector and what are the negative impacts of such practices. ...
Written By : Sanjana